GB and GBK

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GB 2312-80

A 94x94 character set for Simplified Chinese.  GB is an acronym for guobiao.gif Guo2Biao1, which is short for guojiabz.gif Guo2jia1 Biao1zhun3 'National Standard.'  In Internet Explorer's menu, GB2312 is used in the sense of GBK.

GB has the following encoding forms:

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Extended Unix Code for Simplified Chinese.  An 8-bit encoding form, the default encoding of  GB.

Byte-ranges for

     single-byte ASCII:  0x21-0x7E
     double-byte GB:     0xA1-0xFE

Test your browser by selecting Simplified Chinese (GB2312) in View : Character Coding, or View : Encoding.  The text in the right column should match the GIF in the left column.  Click here if it does not.

GIF Text
hanzi ºº×Ö
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A 7-bit encoding form, using the same bytes (0x21-0x7E) to encode single-byte ASCII and double-byte GB.  Its name is an acronym for hanzi.gif han4zi4.

The default interpretation of bytes is ASCII.  Chinese text is enclosed within braces preceded by tildes:

English ~{ Chinese ~} English

Test your browser by selecting Simplified Chinese (HZ) in View : Character Coding, or View : Encoding.  The text in the right column should match the GIF in the left column.  Click here if it does not.

GIF Text
hanzi ~{::WV~}
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A superset of  GB2312, containing both Simplified Chinese characters and Traditional Chinese characters.  Its name is an acronym for gbk.gif Guo2jia1 Biao1zhun3 Kuo4zhan3 'Extended National Standard.'  It is encoded in an 8-bit form with the following byte ranges:

     Single-byte ASCII:      0x21-0x7E
     GBK first byte range:   0x81-0xFE
     GBK second byte range:  0x40-0x7E and 0x80-0xFE

Test your browser by selecting Simplified Chinese (GBK) in View : Character Coding, or Simplified Chinese (GB2312) in View : Encoding.  The text in the right column should match the GIF in the left column.  Click here if it does not.

GIF Text
hanzi h×Ö£¯ºº×Ö
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© Gyula Zsigri, 2000-2002 [CJK]  [Home] Last updated:  June 13, 2002